Professional Air Duct Cleaning Advice For You! 

Take a read through the answers to the frequently asked questions on air duct cleaning. The information is easy to grasp and extremely helpful as well. Use what you learn on this page to make better choices and take more effective actions for keeping your home and family safe.

How often must I clean dryer vents?

It depends on how often you use the dryer. With most families using the dryer at least once or twice each week, our professionals suggest cleaning the vents at least once a year. This should be enough, but if there are bad odors coming from the laundry room in the meantime or the clothes are coming out damp, clean your dryer ducts more regularly.

Can I clean the air ducts by myself?

Homeowners do not possess the special equipment required for reaching and cleaning all sections of the ductwork system. Common household tools cannot reach far enough and can cause serious damage to the walls of these components. This situation gets even worse when the user does not have the required skills for the job.

How can I tell if my air ducts need to be cleaned?

Excessive dust on your furniture or a musty or stale odor can be signs your air ducts should be cleaned. Otherwise, you might be noticing that your HVAC unit is having troubles maintaining optimal temperatures and thus see an increase in your energy usage over time. Physical symptoms that show you should opt for cleaning services are the increased tendency to cough or sneeze for you and your family. 

Can HVAC air filters trap all pollutants in the indoor air?

No, there is no filter which can trap 100% of the particles that go through; however some come very close to this. Most HEPA filters are designed to capture 98% of particles. The problem with them is that they slow down the flow of air and cause the HVAC system to use more energy. Regular air duct cleaning can support the work of the filter and help improve indoor air quality.

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